Monday, April 30, 2007

i have a plan

This is what I told my husband when he asked about the chair I brought home yesterday (CL). Of course I was referring to the 4 chairs I had brought home the day before (CL) to go with the new old table. I guess he was so sleepy when he delivered the cloths to the laundry room that he didn't even notice them. I wonder what he'll say when he sees the new set of 4 chairs that I saw and hopefully will own as of this afternoon.

Whats with all the chairs?

I have a plan.

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just checked yours out. When I have a few more minutes I'll go through your archives. You have some fun stuff on here. I love refinishing furniture. I wish I had a garage to mess around with that stuff.

Oh and I always say I have a plan. I love seeing the potential in old, abused, thrifted, free finds.